en av de bästa politikerna vi har. Tyvärr kan man inte få en "drömregering" genom att handplocka de med vett i skallen, oavsett politiskt parti. Tack Hotspot för alla väldigt intressanta intervjuer och program!
Ett hus som är söndrat,som kommit strid med sig,det inte består!Det ordnar sig, alla är lika,lagom är bäst..funkar bara för Svensson inte för mig som kommer från Muslimska länder! Tack Marco och Gästen! Gott Nytt År på Er!
Du måste ha sovit under en sten om du missar hur mycket han flyttat målstolparna, framförallt för Tuffe Uffe, Fika-Gunnar och "jibejajerna" med Anna Starbrink m.m. i spetsen som vill blockera allt.
Swedes were told for decades that longer sentences did not reduce crime. Now sentences are getting longer to reduce crime. When politicians change their views 180 degrees without apologising they lose all respect.
That the support for getting tough on crime has strong support in "exposed areas" is perhaps not strange. Honest, hard-working migrants may be the ones most exposed to crime.
Large amounts of Sweden's redistribution doesn't come back to the people in any form that invest in the prospects of the people, such as infrastructure, housing, jobs etc, but towards private owners the state is hiring to manage things such as schools and health care, who then take the profit from such and invest it outside of Sweden where profit margins are much higher. This means the people's tax money is shuttled outside of Sweden instead of benefitting the Swedish people. How on earth could redistribution lift people out of poverty and the lower classes when it's not spend on trying to lift them out of such socioeconomic conditions? This is yet one of many of Frederick's populists talking point where he generalize and simplify things for ideological wins rather then serving society.
@@erlindaekvall6229 Yeah, that doesn't actually pull them out of poverty or lower class conditions, but rather keeps them in it, fostering the low class cultures and values. But the handouts aren't really that large of a chunk of the taxes. The liberal/conservative model doesn't actually work in getting improvished people into work because it's made on flawed premisses. 1: That improvished people eventually be pressured into taking low status job if you push them to their limits of existence. They won't, they will follow a path of least resistance according to basic survival instincts, and that isn't getting a job. 2: The beilive that values and work ethics are intrinsic, natural and desirable. It's not. Work ethics and values are rewarded to a society where the people agree to the social contract. If the social contract obliges that you should work yourself to exhaustion, damages and mental fatigue every week for an upgrade that isn't very far from the low class ghetto, while others do almost nothing every day for four times the reward and high status you're not incentivizes to uphold the social contract.
@@erlindaekvall6229A majority of taxes goes to the private health care. And who knows what they are doing with the profits, but it ain't trickling down because absolutely NO ONE thinks health care is better now than it was 40 years ago.
❤⭐ Fängelseplatser utomlands⭐❤
Ja speciellt för dom som man VET inte är motiverade för vårdprogram; samt ev för de dömda till utvisning efter avtjänat straff.
Viktig och bra intervju!
Tack till er båda - Marco och Fredrik!
en av de bästa politikerna vi har. Tyvärr kan man inte få en "drömregering" genom att handplocka de med vett i skallen, oavsett politiskt parti.
Tack Hotspot för alla väldigt intressanta intervjuer och program!
Den enda snygga politiker 😊!
@@llarsson2614 😂 Jodå. Han ser riktigt bra ut.
Äntligen en man som talar sanning.
Säg detta i SR o Media
Men stort tack...
Tack för ett mycket bra samtal. Gott Nytt År!
Riktigt bra intervju!
Tack för ett bra program.
Fredrik är verkligen en politiker att hänga i julgranen.
Upp o ner...
@@Lave_Mang bara för en putinfascist för dig
@@Lave_Mang Han har tid att skriva🤔
Märklig och svårtolkad kommentar
@@barabra6141 jag tycker hans ideer är bra. det är bara ett uttryck för något som är bra och man kan spara och använda. Gott Nytt År. Leif.
Tack för ett intressant program!
Ett hus som är söndrat,som kommit strid med sig,det inte består!Det ordnar sig, alla är lika,lagom är bäst..funkar bara för Svensson inte för mig som kommer från Muslimska länder! Tack Marco och Gästen! Gott Nytt År på Er!
Bra samtal!!🎉 Gott Nytt År!
Äntligen börjar nya lagar på plats 6minuter efter 12slaget blev det plötsligen tvärtysst 😂❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉
Mycket brottslighet beror till stor del på kulturen.
Vad är orsaken till demoraliseringen av kulturen då?
Det behöver investeras enormt i domstolsväsende och fängelser om vi ska ha längre straff.
Hyr i utlandet. Mycket billigare.
@Tore-wl4yi Håller inte i längden. Förr eller senare tröttnar dem på att husera brottslingar.
@@NoumenonAndPhenomenon Nja, dom är nog inte lika liberala, och därmed lättare att handskas med fångarna.
Vi får hoppas att rättsväsendet hänger med på tåget...
Hybris in (S) must be the understatement of the year.
Förefaller vara en seriös och kunnig politiker. Men det är ju ingen garanti för att han lyckas åstadkomma någon förändring
Du måste ha sovit under en sten om du missar hur mycket han flyttat målstolparna, framförallt för Tuffe Uffe, Fika-Gunnar och "jibejajerna" med Anna Starbrink m.m. i spetsen som vill blockera allt.
Bra ! 😊
To deny and belittle crime among the immigrant community has been the hallmark of the extreme left for decades helped along by SVT.
Kloka ord, sunt förnuft kommer man långt med.
Bra att man inte röstar på moderaterna när han är så mesig i El Salvador frågan. Sverige är lika illa ute som det landet.
Tack , har helt samma tankar. Fattigdom föder inga kriminella, tvärtom!
Ska titta med spänning vad han har för svar..han är duktig..❤😊
Swedes were told for decades that longer sentences did not reduce crime. Now sentences are getting longer to reduce crime. When politicians change their views 180 degrees without apologising they lose all respect.
Different parties!
And different facts?
Typisk reaktion från akademisk krokodilkultur.
That the support for getting tough on crime has strong support in "exposed areas" is perhaps not strange. Honest, hard-working migrants may be the ones most exposed to crime.
It's not about the hard-working. Being tough on crime is the norm all around the world, except in the liberal West.
@@gulanhem9495 Perhaps providing care for violent criminals is rather unique to Sweden, where the criminals are victims of their circumstances?
Can a policy be both liberal and conservative at the same time?
Nu för tiden ? Ja!
Problemet e ju att det är viktigare för Regeringen med Kriminalpolitik än Raspolitik
If redistribution of financial resources would reduce crime Sweden should have the lowest crime rates in the world.
Large amounts of Sweden's redistribution doesn't come back to the people in any form that invest in the prospects of the people, such as infrastructure, housing, jobs etc, but towards private owners the state is hiring to manage things such as schools and health care, who then take the profit from such and invest it outside of Sweden where profit margins are much higher. This means the people's tax money is shuttled outside of Sweden instead of benefitting the Swedish people. How on earth could redistribution lift people out of poverty and the lower classes when it's not spend on trying to lift them out of such socioeconomic conditions? This is yet one of many of Frederick's populists talking point where he generalize and simplify things for ideological wins rather then serving society.
@@NoumenonAndPhenomenon How about the 1.5 million, of working age, who live in "bidrag". That must cost a bit.
@@erlindaekvall6229 Yeah, that doesn't actually pull them out of poverty or lower class conditions, but rather keeps them in it, fostering the low class cultures and values. But the handouts aren't really that large of a chunk of the taxes. The liberal/conservative model doesn't actually work in getting improvished people into work because it's made on flawed premisses. 1: That improvished people eventually be pressured into taking low status job if you push them to their limits of existence. They won't, they will follow a path of least resistance according to basic survival instincts, and that isn't getting a job. 2: The beilive that values and work ethics are intrinsic, natural and desirable. It's not. Work ethics and values are rewarded to a society where the people agree to the social contract. If the social contract obliges that you should work yourself to exhaustion, damages and mental fatigue every week for an upgrade that isn't very far from the low class ghetto, while others do almost nothing every day for four times the reward and high status you're not incentivizes to uphold the social contract.
@@erlindaekvall6229A majority of taxes goes to the private health care. And who knows what they are doing with the profits, but it ain't trickling down because absolutely NO ONE thinks health care is better now than it was 40 years ago.
Bra program,,,men båda herrarna upprepar sin ähhh ,ähnhhh ähhhhh,,,vilket stör samtalet,inte bra!!!!!Kärrholm bra,,annars❤!!!!!!
Han är bra men fy fan är han tråååååkig…..zzzzzzzzzz
När till och med de negativa kommentarerna är positiva 😂